We are dedicated to the fascination of new endeavors that contribute to the world we live in, to ideas that should become real and independently growing.

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A planning toward sustainability demands profound analysis in order to generate precise forecasts. Nevertheless, such forecasts will remain unsharp if far-reaching into the future. Therefore it’s appropriate integrate into the design space for steerable evolution processes. This may regard the process of development, as well as the operation model.

> zgwk - ziegelwerk b, urbanization, bernau

> lcrm - le corbusier remastered

> bgep - orthodox community, berlin

> gstk - town houses, glienicke

> esrg - office development, dreilinden

> sfmu - opera italiana pro oriente

> rlnx - resortleben


> tswm - expanding horizons

> cvdd - campovida community management system

> esrg - office development, dreilinden


> cvdi - fábrica são pedro

> eoff - elastic offices

> rclt - reycleit